Are you at risk of sick building syndrome? Schedule an indoor air quality test to protect your health and wellbeing.

What is sick building syndrome?

Are you experiencing unexplained physical discomfort while you’re at home? Are there no other explanations for why you may be feeling that way?

Chances are, you may be struggling with sick building syndrome (SBS).

SBS is a health condition that triggers non-specific symptoms, which can be directly attributed to atmospheric elements of a particular building.

According to Healthline, symptoms of SBS may include:

Throat irritation


Tightness in the chest

Dry, itchy skin rashes

A runny nose




Beyond these, people with pre-existing respiratory illnesses like asthma may run a higher risk of respiratory attacks due to SBS.

Throat irritation


Tightness in the chest

Dry, itchy skin rashes

A runny nose




What are the causes of SBS?

According to scientists, the exact causes of SBS are unknown. It is thought that poor indoor air quality, a common problem found in up to 30% of old and remodelled buildings, might be one of the causes.

The air quality in your home or workplace might be low due to:

A mould infection


Toxic chemical use

Indoor smoking

The use of incense sticks

Artificial fragrances

Poor ventilation

High levels of humidity

Beyond these, people with pre-existing respiratory illnesses like asthma may run a higher risk of respiratory attacks due to SBS.

A mould infection


Toxic chemical use

Indoor smoking

The use of incense sticks

Artificial fragrances

Poor ventilation

High levels of humidity

What can I do to reduce the risk of SBS?

More often than not, indoor air quality determines the health of our living spaces—the higher the indoor air quality, the healthier the space.

An indoor air quality test can help you identify potential pollutants. With knowledge of the sources of air pollution, you may be able to take the necessary steps to improve indoor air quality, preventing health conditions like SBS.

Other measures you can take include:

Eliminating mould

Increasing your ventilation

Switching to natural cleaning products

Managing your humidity levels

Avoiding smoking indoors

Eliminating mould

Increasing your ventilation

Switching to natural cleaning products

Managing your humidity levels

Avoiding smoking indoors

About Building Harmony

At Building Harmony, benefit from licensed indoor air quality testing, EMF inspections and mould inspections with the support of a professional building biologist.

If you’re concerned about undiagnosed health issues, an EMF test may be able to tell you what’s wrong.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

What is sick building syndrome?

This is a health condition that causes certain non-specific symptoms in residents or occupants of a building. The symptoms experienced can be attributed to the atmospheric elements in that environment.

What causes SBS?

The precise cause of the condition is unknown, but poor indoor air quality is believed to be one of the contributing factors. Poor indoor air quality can trigger skin-related, neurological and/or respiratory symptoms, which are symptomatic of SBS.

How can you treat SBS?

According to scientists, improving your indoor air quality can have significant benefits for the health of occupants in the affected building. Improved air quality can also reduce the risk of skin-related, neurological and respiratory illnesses.

Can air quality tests reduce the risk of SBS?

While an air quality test does not directly lead to improvements in symptoms of SBS, it can help you identify what’s contaminating your air, as well as what you can do to create a healthier indoor environment.