Heating and cooling
How do you heat your home? (check any boxes that apply)If other, please specific in the comments section below.
How do you cool the home? (check any boxes that apply)If other, please specify in the comments section below.
Please advise the age and location of the heating/cooling system
How often are these systems serviced? And when were they last serviced?
How often is the heating or cooling system used?
If yes, please provide a brief description of why? since when? where in your house? and how often do you use it?
When were these last serviced?
Health of people living in the home
Please fill in the data from your indoor air quality readings, using the following metrics.Using the metrics given below, please answer in the following format (as shown in the examples section below)
'Name (and Bedroom he/she sleeps in)', 'Age', 'Health issues', 'Symptoms', 'When did symptoms first occur?', 'Do symptoms ease when away from home or on holiday?', 'Do symptoms ease when away from home or on holiday?' and 'Are symptoms worsen when the air conditioning is operating'
- Name (and Bedroom he/she sleeps in): Bruce (Master bedroom)
- Age: 39
- Health issue: None
- Symptoms: None
- When did symptoms first occur?: -
- Do symptoms ease when away from home or on holiday? -
- Are symptoms worse when it rains? -
- Are symptoms worsen when the air conditioning is operating? -
- Name (and Bedroom he/she sleeps in): Damian (Master bedroom)
- Age: 14
- Health issue: Wheezing
- Symptoms: Breathing difficulties, fatigue
- When did symptoms first occur? Roughly 3-4 months ago
- Do symptoms ease when away from home or on holiday? Yes
- Are symptoms worse when it rains? Yes
- Are symptoms worsen when the air conditioning is operating? No
What do you know about the health of previous occupants?
Is there anything else you would like to bring to my attention, or add to your earlier responses?